Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A glimpse into...

the mind of a det wife. This is about the best sight of any week for someone like myself:

Does anyone know why?


  1. #'s I didn't know were my best friend while Kev was deployed!! 5 digits.. 15... whatever I got real comfortable answering #'s I didn't know. :)

  2. I LOVE THAT SIGHT! But it stinks when it's not the guys and is the automated appointment reminder system calling from medical.

  3. I know right? And Samantha, I lOVE foreign numbers too! Although one time I answered "Hey Hun!" and it was some college student calling to tell me to vote for Obama. I'll figure he was quite happy with himself that day. :)

  4. i loved that 18 digit # that showed up on my cell phone when andrew was deployed last year ;)
